A Decentralized Media Broadcasting Organization

Introducing CANiVISION

Rico Lamitte
4 min readNov 9, 2020

Over the last 8 months, the cannabis industry has undergone a near-complete overhaul.

Judging by mainstream media outlets, you’d think it’s all good. Here’s the thing- some of it indeed has been!

Cannabis has been deemed by some states as an “essential business” paving the way for continued operations through the pandemic.

Sales have been through the roof.

5 new states have come into the legalization fold.

Many of the stories that cover the opposite side of these headlines, however, have been left out.

These stories paint a much different story.

Essential business operators have had a much higher rate of exposure to COVID- 19. How have states and municipalities protected these workers?

Increased sales are great for the sector overall, but what is truly driving said sales? Many brick-and-mortar shops claim they’ve been struggling. Have tax havens been introduced to offer relief to businesses in response to the sudden need for their presence?

New states will be taking on legalization, each in their own way. Which path will they be following? Is California really the model for success anyone should be following?

These are the questions nobody seems to be asking at the big media shops…

The answers to these questions matter most for ALL operators no matter which side of the industry they might call “Home”- Medical, Business, or Lifestlye…

What good does it serve the medical community if there’s no clear path showing how R&D budgets will be spent exploring cannabinoid-based medicines? Or if there’s political blockage preventing science-based education from reaching consumers?

How will investors manage downside risk tied to political and environmental land mines in emerging markets like New York, Florida, and Mississippi when most of the public outlook seems positive? Have we not learned anything from MedMen’s fall from investment grace?

How does a “Lifestyle Brand” position itself in a chaotic landscape; keeping its connection to the very street culture that spawned its being? If the connection remains steady, how do they remain solvent?

In a pre-COVID world, most of these questions could be easily investigated by quick trips out to the regions of operation.

Due-diligence groundwork could be done at local events, city hall meetings or cannabis conferences where much open conversation could be had in rapid-fire fashion and opposite ends of deals could meet face-to-face to feel each other out.

In COVIDland, none of this is possible.

Operators have gone back into their silos. Segregation of interests has set in, leading many to remain in their own lanes, ignoring the necessary cross-pollination of information required for every cannabis company’s survival.

This is where CANiVISION steps in.

We are NOT anti-big media.

We are NOT anti-big business.

We will NOT hold political bias toward one side of any argument.

We simply serve as a COUNTER to all the fluff we’re currently seeing, that only offers one side of the story.

Not only does CANiVISION have ground-level operators established in major and emerging markets keeping their ear out for major stories that might be ignored by mainstream outlets; but also high-level connections with all of the big household industry names. No other broadcast organization can offer the level of access we do on both ends of the industry.

A 360-degree view is needed for everyone to succeed in cannabis.

CANiVISION provides tools for everyone to remain connected.

Our eCommerce marketplace offers an opportunity for entrepreneurs to expose their brands, services, and solutions to global consumers.

Daily uploads of new, updated material from movers and shakers in major markets on the established end as well as emerging regions will be unleashed from our Regional Production Leaders.

Weekly podcasts will be released covering major updates from each region on legislation, business movement, and social temperature; breaking down WHAT’s really going on and WHY it matters.

Monthly live-hybrid broadcasts will be launched tied to the biggest industry themes data tells us matter most to ALL operators, not just the limited interests of a few.

Oh yeah- EVERYTHING we broadcast from a central standpoint will be vetted material from trusted sources.

We ARE NOT, nor do we intend to be a tabloid-hub pushing rumors and conspiracy theories. CANiVISION’s goal is to get out THE BEST information to the people who need it most.

We believe transparency in the midst of chaos offers the best path to collaborative success.

The window of opportunity for businesses to join forces will be closing quicker than it opened.

We see the future being VERY green… Ripe with opportunity for all, without losing very heart and soul of our industry.

But if we refuse to look past the shiny object and remain focused on ONLY what affects our direct business interests, we’re all doomed.

Do you share our ‘Vision?

If so…

Join the revolution.





Rico Lamitte
Rico Lamitte

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